
“"Top 14 Gifts For Wine Lovers... Because, It's always wine o'clock somewhere."
Read on Huffington Post
“Putting the Win in Wine. 23 Products Everyone Who Loves To Wine Should Own”
Read on BuzzFeed
“Must Have for anyone on the go.” “Because I lose my flasks as often as my sunglasses, I’ve switched to the Flask2Go. It’s disposable and easy to hide, and it guarantees I’m the most popular guy at every holiday party.”
Read on BonAppetit
“14 Gifts To Please Every Woman in Your Life” This genius foldable flask is large enough to carry an entire bottle of wine so she can shed the heavy, breakable glass and get away with taking her vino into parks, beaches and festivals.
Read on Playboy
Have Wine, Will Travel. “Portable, nonglass (foldable!) bottles are just the ticket for outdoor and on-the-go wining and dining.”
Read on Parade Magazine
You already know how to sneak booze in anywhere, but here's another trick that borders on the essential: a collapsible wine bottle. Wine2Go is a essentially a BPA-free bladder for your wine, similar to Flask2Go, and made by the same guys, but in a 750-milliliter wine size. Because why not?
Read on Thrillist
“Calling All Winos:
Your Holiday Gift Guide to Shopping for a Wine Lover”

I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these Wine2Go portable wine bags that Kate found recently. No wonder our readers have been going crazy for them–they’re perfect for any place with a no-glass policy. No more pouring wine into plastic cups out of a bottle hidden in your purse.
Read on Cool Mom Picks
We had a GREAT time at the Waterfront Concerts where they DONT allow glass bottles. No Prob, we poured out our clunky wine bottles into our Wine2Go’s and game on! Plus we saved at least $40 in bar tabs. Festival wine is overpriced – Wine2Go is a life saver!
Read on PSFK
“They’re perfect for camping trips, tailgating, concerts or just a regular day at the office.”“Take Your Drink With You Wherever You Go With The Flask2Go”
Read on SneakHype
These are weightless, undetectable flasks that make taking a sip of your beverage much easier, and we all need that. These flasks are flexible and metal-free, so unlike the case with a typical flask, metal detectors won’t go nuts when you slide through them with a Flask2go.
Read on HiConsumption
“Stop lugging around that bottle! With the ability to hold a full bottle, it is perfect for concerts, picnics, or the beach.”
Read on The Fancy